Hanging Cow Productions is a family owned, local theater company in Westchester County! We curate one of a kind creative theatrical events to bring our community together through the performing arts! We love and cherish our community support and we want to thank you for considering helping us! We would love to feature you in our beautifully printed playbill program for our upcoming performance of “Who Killed Mama Souprano” on Saturday September 13th, 2025 at J American Grill in Harrison, NY! We have SOLD out the last 6 shows we have done so far to capacity! The sponsorship ad rates are low and you would be supporting our community of actors and entertainers to flourish in a time of artistic recession. Our playbill booklet is the same size/caliber of a Broadway playbill (just made with more love by me, Elise!) and it is in full color! Choose a sponsorship and AD design is included! You are also invited to the dinner and show at a 10% discount! We are SO GRATEFUL that you would be willing to support our theatrical production! Thank you so much! We will design your ad at NO extra charge within 24 hours of payment/purchase!
Full page color print AND digital AD with design $300 / $250 for black and white (4.8″ X 7.8″)
Half page color print AND digital AD with design $250 / $200 for black and white (4.8″ X 4.8″)
Business card color print AND digital AD with design $175 / $125 for black and white (4.8″ X 3.2″)